How do we know where we are?

Wednesday, 6th May 2015 – “How do we know where we are?” Prof Matthew Nolan

Speaking to the Aughton & Ormskirk U3A Science Group

At the Aughton & Ormskirk U3A Science Group

Matthew (Alan’s nephew) is Chair of Neural Circuits and Computation, University of Edinburgh Centre for Integrative Physiology, whose research is interested in the mechanisms used within the brain to mediate cognitive processes and guide learned behaviours!

Matthew gave an extremely interesting talk about how neurons interconnect and the mechanisms involved. He described some of the research methods his team uses to identify exactly which neurons are involved in the brain’s ability to keep track of location. Unusually, the talk was right at the cutting edge of scientific research yet it was delivered at a level that we could easily follow and enjoy.


Tuesday, 1st June: Dr Stephen Doyle gave us an entertaining and fascinating talk in 2009 about laser eye surgery. He returned on Tuesday 1st June to give another very well received talk entitled “Consciousness – How are we here?” based on a Philosophy of Mind course he attended at Oxford University. The quality of his visuals and his engaging manner made the subject come alive.


Stephen Doyle had some problems running his “Slime Mould Video”.  Below you can see what you missed!