Beekeeping – With a Scientific Slant

Bee sipping nectar


Tuesday 2nd November: There has been much interest recently in the problems of the decreasing bee population and how that might affect crop and fruit production.  Come and hear about this issue first hand, as well as gaining a scientific insight into the fascinating topic of bee keeping, from Martin Smith, President of the British Bee Keepers’ Association, when he gives his talk on “Beekeeping with a Scientific Slant”.

BBC 2: “Horizon: Is seeing believing?”

An interesting programme to be shown tonight, 18 October at 9pm, on BBC Two, about the science of optical illusions and how the brain interprets visual information.

Optical illusions are more than just a bit of fun. Scientist Beau Lotto is finding out what tricking the brain reveals about how our minds work. He explains his findings using five optical illusions on the BBC Magazine website.