Exoplanets and the Liverpool Telescope

Tuesday, 5th April: Space is such a hot topic in science at the moment, with Brian Cox’s recent BBC TV series, “Wonders of the Universe” exemplifying the BBC’s commitment to popularising science, that we were particularly pleased to welcome Dr Andy Newsam.


Andy Newsam is Director of the National Schools’ Observatory and Reader in Astronomy Education at Liverpool John Moores University, and was the Institute of Physics Lecturer for 2009, which was also the International Year of Astronomy.
The Liverpool Telescope
Andy gave a fascinating talk about the search for planets outside our own solar system (exoplanets) using various methods (Doppler Wobble, Transits and Interstellar Lenses), and how The Liverpool Telescope is playing an important part in this search effort.

Some links for further reading:


Liverpool Telescope:

National Schools’ Observatory: